PRP Hair Restoration


Purchase a package of 3 sessions and receive the 4th session free. Pricing as displayed.

Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) hair restoration is a groundbreaking treatment that stimulates new hair growth, increases hair density and thickness, and improves overall hair quality by enhancing blood flow to the scalp. PRP is a safe and effective solution for both male and female pattern baldness, as well as alopecia areata.

With PRP hair restoration, you can reduce thinning and achieve a fuller, thicker head of hair. Treatments are spaced 4-6 weeks apart, with 3-6 sessions typically needed to stimulate follicles and see noticeable results.


  • Naturally boosts blood flow to hair follicles through angiogenesis
  • No downtime required
  • Results can be seen in as little as 4-12 weeks
  • Since your own PRP is used, no allergy tests are needed, and treatment complications are rare


Similar to our current PRP system for anti-aging with microneedling, the PRP procedure for hair loss follows these steps:
• First, a small amount of your blood is drawn, just like a routine blood test. The blood is then spun twice in a centrifuge to separate the PRP from the rest.
• Next, the PRP is concentrated using a sterile medical device that increases platelet levels to six times their normal concentration, removing any particles that could hinder tissue regeneration.
• Finally, the concentrated PRP is injected into the scalp using a mesotherapy gun. This process is virtually painless and does not require anesthesia.

Avoid Advil, Motrin, blood thinners, or alcohol for 72 hours before your PRP treatment. After the treatment, wait at least four hours to wash your face, but ideally 24 hours. For 24–48 hours post-treatment, avoid heat sources like saunas, hot showers, or intense exercise. Stay out of the sun, and always wear sunscreen when outdoors. Avoid exposure to chemicals, including swimming pools, tanning beds, ampules, and serums.

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