PRP Microneedling with SkinPen®


Single sessions are $45 off. Purchase a package of 3 sessions and receive the 4th session free. Pricing as displayed.

PRP Microneedling with SkinPen® is a cutting-edge facial treatment that combines the power of microneedling with Platelet-Rich Fibrin (PRF), an advanced form of traditional PRP. Using your body’s own healing properties, PRF stimulates collagen production and promotes healthier, rejuvenated skin. This minimally invasive procedure can reduce the appearance of wrinkles, scars, large pores, and other skin imperfections, leaving your skin smoother and more even-toned without damaging the epidermis.

During the treatment, a small sample of your blood is spun to separate the platelet-rich fibrin, which is then applied to your skin with the SkinPen®. This powerful combination enhances your skin’s natural ability to repair and regenerate, leading to a more youthful and glowing complexion.


  • Reduces the appearance of wrinkles, scars, and large pores
  • Enhances skin texture and tone for a smoother, more even complexion
  • Encourages natural collagen production
  • Minimally invasive with little to no downtime
  • Safe for all skin types and tones

What is ProGen Advantage PRP?
ProGen Advantage PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) is a concentrated component of your own blood, containing nutrient-rich cells and protein growth factors. It is made from the platelets in your blood, which play a crucial role in healing and regeneration.

Why use PRP?
PRP is used for facial and skin rejuvenation, promoting skin regeneration, reducing fine lines and wrinkles, and serving as an alternative to wrinkle relaxers and fillers. It also stimulates hair growth and helps improve pigmentation.

How is PRP Prepared?
PRP is prepared by drawing a small sample of your blood, which is then placed in a sterile container and spun to separate the platelets. This results in platelet-rich plasma, which is used in treatments.

Is PRP Safe?
Yes, PRP is safe because it is derived from your own blood, minimizing the risk of allergic or immune reactions. PRP preparation should always be performed by a trained medical professional. Consult your physician for more information.

How to Prepare for Your PRP Treatment
Avoid anti-inflammatory medications for 5 days before your procedure—Tylenol can be used for pain instead. Refrain from alcohol the day before treatment. To help prevent bruising, you can take Arnica for 3 days leading up to your appointment. Be sure to eat and stay hydrated before the procedure.

What to Expect After Your PRP Treatment
You may experience some bruising, swelling, and tenderness, which should subside within a few days. We recommend limiting strenuous activities for at least 24 hours to aid in a quicker recovery.

Frequently Asked Questions